Introduction to Programming and Scientific Applications (Spring 2021)

Course plan

The below course plan contains videos and slides for watching at your own speed.

Code used on slides and used for making the figures on the slides can be found in this folder.

Below [G] refers to the textbook by John V. Guttag, Introduction to Computation and Programming Using Python With Application to Understanding Data, 2nd Edition. 472 pages. MIT Press, 2016. The book is not curriculum in the course.

There will only be live lectures Wednesdays 14:15-16:00 at Zoom covering questions posted on the discussion forum and/or going over some examples/exercises (live coding exercises and solution code).

Week Date Topic Litterature Slides & Video Exercises
5 Monday 1/2 Semester starts
Wednesday 3/2 Introduction to Python [G] 1 introduction.pdf lecture 1
Friday 5/2 Python basics
variables, int, float, str, type conversion, assignment, print(), help(), type()
Control structures
if-elif-else, while-break-continue, input()
[G] 2.1, 2.2, 2.4 basics.pdf
Basics 55:27
Control 32:09
lecture 2
handin 1
6 Monday 8/2 Exercise classes start
Wednesday 10/2 Basic operations
None, bool, basic operations, strings
[G] 2.3 operations.pdf
Operations 1:02:04
lecture 3
Friday 12/2 Lists
Syntax, operations, copy.deepcopy
Control structures
while-else, for-loops, for-break-continue-else, range
[G] 3.2, 5.2, 5.5 lists.pdf
Lists 1:00:04
lecture 4
handin 2
7 Wednesday 17/2 Tuples and lists
tuples, lists, mutability, list comprehension, for-if, for-for, list(), any(), all(), enumerate(), zip()
[G] 5.1, 5.3, 5.5 tuple.pdf
Tuples 50:13
Orientation test 11:38
lecture 5
Friday 19/2 Dictionaries and sets
dict, set, frozenset, dictionary comprehension, set comprehension, collections, deque, namedtuple, Counter
[G] 5.6 dictionaries.pdf
Dictionaries 49:51
Handins 3-4 5:11
lecture 6
handin 3
8 Wednesday 24/2 Functions
functions, return, scoping, arguments, keyword arguments, *, **, global variables
[G] 4.1, 4.4 functions.pdf
Functions 58:04
lecture 7
Friday 26/2 Recursion
symbol table, stack frames
[G] 4.3 recursion.pdf
Recursion 46:29
lecture 8
handin 4
9 Wednesday 3/3 Recursion and iteration
algorithm examples
[G] 3.1, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5, 10.1 recursion_iteration.pdf
Recursion and iteration 57:43
lecture 9
handin 5
Friday 5/3 Functions as objects
lambda, higher-order functions, map, filter, reduce
[G] 5.4, 10.2 lambda.pdf
Lambda 44:05
lecture 10
10 Wednesday 10/3 Object oriented programming
classes, objects, self, construction, encapsulation
[G] 8.1, 8.3.0 classes.pdf
Classes 1:11:42
lecture 11
Friday 12/3 Class hierarchies
inheritance, method overriding, super, multiple inheritance
[G] 8.2 hierarchies.pdf
Class hierarchies 44:20
lecture 12
handin 6
11 Wednesday 17/3 Exceptions and file input/output
try-raise-except-finally, Exception, control flow, file open/read/write, sys.stdin, sys.stdout, sys.stderr, context manager
[G] 7.1, 7.2, 4.6 exceptions.pdf
Exceptions 28:51
Files 20:13
Sudoku 15:45
lecture 13
Friday 19/3 Documentation, testing and debugging
docstring, defensive programming, assert, test driven developement, assertions, testing, unittest, doctest, debugger, static type checking, mypy
[G] 4.2, 7.3, 6.1, 6.2 testing.pdf
Testing 48:44
Mypy 13:32
lecture 14
handin 7
12 Wednesday 24/3 Decorators
@, @property, @functools.total_ordering, dataclasses
Decorators 54:37
lecture 15
Friday 26/3 Dynamic programming
memoization, decorator memoized, systematic subproblem computation
[G] 13.1, 13.2 dynamic_programming.pdf
Dynamic programming 56:46
Coding competitions 10:47
lecture 16
handin 8
13 Saturday-Monday 27/3
Easter break - no teaching
14 Tuesday 6/4 No exercise class
Wednesday 7/4 Visualization and optimization
Matplotlib, Jupyter, scipy.optimize.minimize
No exercise class
[G] 11 optimization.pdf
Matplotlib 1:03:40
Jupyter 26:35
SciPy minimize 29:47
lecture 17
Friday 9/4 Multi-dimensional data
NumPy, matrix multiplication, @, numpy.linalg.solve, numpy.polyfit
[G] 18 numpy.pdf
Numpy 42:09
Polyfit 6:12
Numpy matplotlib 15:27
lecture 18
15 Wednesday 14/4 Linear programming
Linprog 6:19
Maxflow 10:05
Pagerank 22:17
lecture 19
handin 9
Friday 16/4 Generators and iterators
yield, __iter__, __next__, measuring memory usage
[G] 8.3.1 generator.pdf
Iterators 38:26
Generators 30:04
Memory usage 9:27
lecture 20
handin 10
16 Wednesday 21/4 Modules and packages
from-import-as, __name__, "__main__", heapq
[G] 4.5 modules.pdf
Modules 24:28
Heapq 8:51
lecture 21
Friday 23/4 Working with text
file formats (CSV, Json, XML, Excel), regular expressions (module re), finditer
File formats 39:47
Regular expressions 17:59
Lindenmeyer systems 14:10
lecture 22
17 Wednesday 28/4 Relational data
SQLite, pandas
SQLite 29:23
Pandas 34:23
lecture 23
Friday 30/4 Holiday (General Prayer Day) - no teaching
18 Wednesday 5/5 Clustering
k-means, scipy.cluster.vq.kmeans, DBSCAN, neural networks
[G] 23 clustering.pdf
Clustering 27:25
DBSCAN 11:11
Neural networks 15:56
lecture 24
Friday 7/5 Graphical user interfaces (GUI)
Tkinter, qt
Tkinter 50:37
lecture 25
19 Wednesday 12/5 Java vs Python java.pdf
Java 1:03:03
lecture 26
Thursday 13/5 Holiday (Ascension Day) - no teaching
Friday 14/5 No lecture
20 Wednesday 19/5 Follow up on course evaluation, discussion of exam ipsa21-course-evaluation.pdf lecture 27
Friday 21/5 No lecture
Last day of semester
21 Monday 31/5 Project deadline 23:59
June Q & A sessions (TAs and Lecturer)