25th Annual Symposium on Computational Geometry


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10.03.2009 Accepted Videos

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16.02.2009 Travel info available

13.02.2009 Accepted Papers

01.10.2008 Call for Papers



The conference is organized in coorperation with ACM SIGACT and SIGGRAPH.

The conference is sponsored by the Faculty of Science, Aarhus University, Octoshape, COWI, Elsevier, and MADALGO.

SoCG '09 Program

Location SoCG'09 Sunday to Wednesday:
Lakeside Lecture Theatres, Building 1250
  Program printversion

Sunday, June 7
13:00 -17:00 SoCG 25th anniversary Celebration
17:00 - 20:00 Welcome Reception & Registration
Monday, June 8
8:15 - 09:00 Registration and Light breakfast
9:00 -10:20 Session 1: Jack Snoeyink, session chair
9:00 -9:20 Lower Bounds for Weak Epsilon-Nets and Stair-Convexity
Boris Bukh, Jiří Matoušek and Gabriel Nivasch
9:20 -9:40 Epsilon Nets and Union Complexity
Kasturi Varadarajan
9:40 -10:00 PTAS for Geometric Hitting Set Problems via Local Search
Nabil Hassan Mustafa and Saurabh Ray
10:00 - 10:20 Near-Linear Approximation Algorithms for Geometric Hitting Sets
Pankaj K. Agarwal, Esther Ezra and Micha Sharir
10:20 - 10:50 Coffee break
10:50-11:50 Session 2: John Hershberger, session chair
10:50 - 11:10 Coresets for Polytope Distance
Bernd Gärtner and Martin Jaggi
11:10 - 11:30 Kinetic Spanners in Rd
Mohammad Ali Abam and Mark de Berg
11:30 - 11:50 Shooting Permanent Rays among Disjoint Polygons in the Plane
Mashhood Ishaque, Bettina Speckmann and Csaba D. Tóth
12:00 - 1:30 Lunch
1:30-2:30 Session 3: Scot Drysdale, session chair
1:30 - 1:50 Computing Hereditary Convex Structures
Bernard Chazelle and Wolfgang Mulzer
1:50 - 2:10 Binary Plane Partitions for Disjoint Line Segments
Csaba D.Tóth
2:10 - 2:30 Optimal In-Place Algorithms for 3-d Convex Hulls and 2-d Segment Intersection
Timothy M. Chan and Eric Y. Chen
2:30-3:00 Coffee break
3:00-4:20 Session 4, Video and Multimedia Presentations: Efi Fogel, session chair


An IP Solution to the Art Gallery Problem
Marcelo C. Couto, Pedro J. de Rezende and Cid C. de Souza

Quadrilateral Meshes with Bounded Minimum Angle
Scott Hine, Betul Atalay, Dianna Xu and Suneeta Ramaswami

Animating a Continuous Family of Two-Site Voronoi Diagrams (and a Proof of a Bound on the Number of Regions)
Matthew T. Dickerson and David Eppstein

The Scale Axis Picture Show
Joachim Giesen, Balint Miklos, Mark Pauly and Camille Wormser

Rectangular Cartograms: The Game
Mark de Berg, Fred van Nijnatten, Bettina Speckmann and Kevin Verbeek

Geometric Tomography: A Limited-View Approach for Computed Tomography
Peter B. Noël and Jinhui Xu, Kenneth R. Hoffmann and Jason J. Corso

Straight Skeletons of Three-Dimensional Polyhedra
Gill Barequet and Amir Vaxman

Reconstructing Sharp Features of Triangular Meshes
Joseph S. B. Mitchell and Eli Packer

High Resolution Surface Reconstruction from Overlapping Multiple-Views
Nader Salman and Mariette Yvinec

4:20 - 4:40 Coffee break
4:40-5:40 Session 5: Jeff Erickson, session chair
4:40 - 5:00 The Scale Axis Transform
Joachim Giesen, Balint Miklos, Mark Pauly and Camille Wormser
5:00 - 5:20 Integral Estimation from Point Cloud in d-Dimensional Space: A Geometric View
Chuanjiang Luo, Jian Sun and Yusu Wang
5:20 - 5:40 Cut Locus and Topology from Surface Point Data
Tamal K. Dey and Kuiyu Li
6:00 - 8:00 Business meeting
Tuesday, June 9
8:30 - 09:00 Light breakfast
9:00 -10:20 Session 6: Carola Wenk, session chair
9:00 -9:20 An Improved Bound on the Number of Unit Area Triangles
Roel Apfelbaum and Micha Sharir
9:20 -9:40 Halving Lines and Measure Concentration in the Plane
Rom Pinchasi
9:40 -10:00 Candle in the Woods: Asymptotic Bounds on Minimum Blocking Sets
Nataša Jovanovič, Jan Korst, Ramon Clout, Verus Pronk and Ludo Tolhuizen
10:00 - 10:20 Approximate Center Points with Proofs
Gary L. Miller and Donald R. Sheehy
10:20 - 10:50 Coffee break
10:50-12:00 Invited Talk: Robert Lang
10:50 - 12:00 Computational Origami: From Flapping Birds to Space Telescopes
Robert J. Lang
12:00 - 1:30 Lunch
1:30-2:30 Session 7: Dan Halperin, session chair
1:30 - 1:50 Visibility Maps of Realistic Terrains Have Linear Smoothed Complexity
Mark de Berg, Herman Haverkort and Constantinos P.Tsirogiannis
1:50 - 2:10 Embedding Rivers in Polyhedral Terrains
Marc van Kreveld and Rodrigo I. Silveira
2:10 - 2:30 The Euclidean Degree-4 Minimum Spanning Tree Problem is NP-hard
Andrea Francke and Michael Hoffmann
2:30-3:00 Coffee break
3:00-4:20 Session 8: Scot Drysdale, session chair
3:00 -3:20 Divide-and-Conquer for Voronoi Diagrams Revisited
Oswin Aichholzer, Wolfgang Aigner, Franz Aurenhammer, Thomas Hackl, Bert Jüettler, Elisabeth Pilgerstorfer and Margot Rabl
3:20 -3:40 The Geodesic Farthest-Site Voronoi Diagram in a Polygonal Domain with Holes
Sang Won Bae and Kyung-Yong Chwa
3:40 -4:00 Incremental Construction of the Delaunay Triangulation and the Delaunay Graph in Medium Dimension
Jean-Daniel Boissonnat, Olivier Devillers and Samuel Hornus
4:00 - 4:20 Parallel Geometric Algorithms for Multi-Core Computers
Vicente H. F. Batista, David L. Millman, Sylvain Pion and Johannes Singler
4:20-4:40 Coffee break
4:40-5:40 Session 9: Mariette Yvinec, session chair
4:40 - 5:00 Persistent Cohomology and Circular Coordinates
Vin de Silva and Mikael Vejdemo-Johansson
5:00 - 5:20 Proximity of Persistence Modules and Their Diagrams
Frédéric Chazal, David Cohen-Steiner, Marc Glisse, Leonidas J. Guibas and Steve Y. Oudot
5:20 - 5:40 Zigzag Persistent Homology and Real-valued Functions
Gunnar Carlsson, Vin de Silva and Dmitriy Morozov
6:00 Conference Banquet
Wednesday, June 10
8:30 - 09:00 Light breakfast
9:00 -10:20 Session 10: Stefan Funke, session chair
9:00 -9:20 Distributed Vision with Smart Pixels
Sándor P. Fekete, Dietmar Fey, Marcus Komann, Alexander Kröeller, Marc Reichenbach and Christiane Schmidt
9:20 -9:40 Area-Universal Rectangular Layouts
David Eppstein, Elena Mumford, Bettina Speckmann and Kevin Verbeek
9:40 -10:00 Cache-Oblivious Range Reporting With Optimal Queries Requires Superlinear Space
Peyman Afshani, Chris Hamilton and Norbert Zeh
10:00 - 10:20 A General Approach for Cache-Oblivious Range Reporting and Approximate Range Counting
Peyman Afshani, Chris Hamilton and Norbert Zeh
10:20 - 10:50 Coffee break
10:50-11:50 Session 11: Jack Snoeyink, session chair
10:50 - 11:10 A Proof of the Molecular Conjecture
Naoki Katoh and Shin-ichi Tanigawa
11:10 - 11:30 Flattening Single-vertex Origami: The Non-Expansive Case
Gaiane Panina and Ileana Streinu
11:30 - 11:50 Arrangements of Double Pseudolines
Luc Habert and Michel Pocchiola
12:00 - 1:30 Lunch
1:30-2:30 Session 12: J. Mark Keil, session chair
1:30 - 1:50 k-means Requires Exponentially Many Iterations Even in the Plane
Andrea Vattani
1:50 - 2:10 Approximation Algorithms for Maximum Independent Set of Pseudo-Disks
Timothy M. Chan and Sariel Har-Peled
2:10 - 2:30 On the Set Multi-Cover Problem in Geometric Settings
Chandra Chekuri, Ken L. Clarkson and Sariel Har-Peled
2:30-3:00 Coffee break
3:00-4:20 Session 13: Afra Zomorodian, session chair
3:00 -3:20 Adaptive Isotopic Approximation of Nonsingular Curves: The Parametrizability and Nonlocal Isotopy Approach
Long Lin and Chee K. Yap
3:20 -3:40 On the Topology of Planar Algebraic Curves
Jinsan Cheng, Sylvain Lazard, Luis Peñaranda, Marc Pouget, Fabrice Rouillier and Elias Tsigaridas
3:40 -4:00 Randomly Removing g Handles at Once
Glencora Borradaile, James R. Lee and Anastasios Sidiropoulos
4:00 - 4:20 Minimum Cuts and Shortest Homologous Cycles
Erin W. Chambers, Jeff Erickson and Amir Nayyeri
4:20-4:40 Coffee break
4:40-5:40 Session 14: Carola Wenk, session chair
4:40 - 5:00 Diameter of Polyhedra: Limits of Abstraction
Friedrich Eisenbrand, Nicolai Hähnle and Thomas Rothvoß
5:00 - 5:20 Minimum Manhattan Network is NP-Complete
Francis Y. L. Chin, Zeyu Guo and He Sun
5:20 - 5:40 On Grids in Topological Graphs
Eyal Ackerman, Jacob Fox, János Pach and Andrew Suk
Thursday Workshop Program, June 11

MADALGO - Center for Massive Data Algorithmics, a Center of the Danish National Research Foundation / Department of Computer Science / Aarhus University