Introduction to Functional Programming

Bring your computer


Bas Spitters

Teaching assistant

Simon Oddershede Gregersen


We will be using the discussion board on Blackboard for general discussions about the exercises, projects, and Coq. Your posts are anonymized, so do not feel hesitant against using it.


Course material

Coq During this course we will be using the Coq proof assistant. Coq is both a functional programming language, as well as a system that allows one to reason using formal proofs about one's programs. Information on installing Coq is available here.

We will be using part of the online textbook Software Foundations by Benjamin C. Pierce et al.


The course includes a track of weekly mandatory exercises. The exercises should be handed in each Monday following the lecture before 9:00.

Coq should accept the homework handed in as a .v file in its entirety. The exercise will not be graded if Coq does not accept the file. Use Admitted to make Coq accept incomplete proofs.

You are not allowed to use Coq tactics in the homework that we have not yet discussed (for example tauto, eauto and omega are forbidden).

Preliminary schedule

DateTopics Course material
29 August Installing Coq
Basic inductive types
Proving using computation
Preface and Basics and Induction
5 September Lists and Polymorphic functions
Lists and Polymorphic functions
12 September Tactics and Logic
Tactics and Logic
19 September Inductively defined propositions
26 September Maps
Maps, Rel
3 October Imp
10 October Auto
14 November lambda-calculus and combinators
21 November Simple type theory and System F
Notes, Slides
28 November F-omega and Calculus of Constructions
Notes, Slides, More Slides

Coq project

The course finishes with a Coq project, a list of suggestions can be found here and here. You may also invent a Coq project yourself or do a variation or extension of one of our suggested projects. If you invent a project yourself or use a variation of the suggestions, you have to discuss it with the teacher.

You are allowed to work in groups. You may also write the report together. However, you are fully responsible for the code and the report. The oral exam will test your understanding.

In order to complete the Coq project, you have to make the following deliverables:

The written report has to be 5 to 10 pages, should be in academic style, and should include:

  1. Name and student number.
  2. A small introduction with at least a description of the project you have chosen. You should not just copy the description from the projects file.
  3. A description of the problems you have encountered during the project and how you have solved these. If you had multiple solutions in mind, describe these, and explain why you have picked the one you have used.
  4. A conclusion with at least your experience using Coq: what did you like and what you did not like.

You should not include unnecessarily long excerpts of Coq code, just use small fragments to illustrate a point. Informal proofs should be formulated in the way taught during the course. Do not paraphrase Coq proofs in natural language by writing: and now we apply tactic X so our goals becomes Y.


The grade of the course is computed as follows:

([grade of the Coq project] + [grade of the oral exam]) / 2.

Both grades have to be at least 02 (adequate).

Only students with approved exercises can attend the oral exam and thus pass the course.

The grade of the Coq project is based on the following items:

  1. Correctness: whether the Coq definitions and lemmas correctly model the problem.
  2. Completeness: whether all lemmas are proven (e.g. no lemmas omitted and proofs finished with admit or Admitted).
  3. Style: whether the Coq code follows the style guidelines (e.g. use of Case tactic, sensible variable names and use of implicit arguments).
  4. Effectiveness: whether the definitions and proofs are given in an effective way (e.g. no useless proof steps and the induction tactic not used blindly).
  5. Report: style, presentation, language and correctness of the report.

During the oral exam we will test whether you are able to create a small extension of the project, ask you to explain proofs of the project in an informal way, query you about the contents of your report, and ask general questions about the contents of the course.
Bring your laptop!